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Cinestill 50D is a low-speed color film with extremely fine grain and good sharpness. This film has a noticeably different color response compared with other films and leans slightly less saturated with an tendency to emphasize browns, greens, and yellows for a mellow and cinematic look. As a member of the Cinestill family of movie films that are made to be used in still cameras, highlights on Cinestill 50D can take on a red glow with a signature red haloed look around things like headlights, streetlights, and stage lights in the dark. If you're looking for an alternative to the familiar look of Kodak or Fuji, give Cinestill a try!


We recommend rating Cinestill 50D between 25 and 50.


Each roll of 35mm Cinestill 50D has 36 exposures.

Cinestill 50D 35mm

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